10 Things You Didn’t Know About Basic Strategy in Blackjack

If you’re like most people, the first time you played blackjack (or perhaps another version of twenty-one), you probably learned on that beautiful day that it’s best to try to get as close to 21 as possible without “busting” (going over). Most players stop there. But what if  there’s more to blackjack than just hoping for the best hand?

Basic strategy is a system that helps you make the best decision possible on each and every hand. It takes into account the cards you’re dealt, the dealers upcard, and how many decks are being used. Using basic strategy can help improve your chances of winning significantly, no matter what your skill level is.

If you’re just starting out, learning basic strategy can be a little daunting. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are 10 things you may not have known about basic strategy in blackjack online at Winbig7:

There’s more than one way to play basic strategy.

While most people think of basic strategy as a one-size-fits-all approach to playing blackjack at any online casino such as Winbig7. There are actually a few different ways to approach it. Some players prefer to stick with the basic strategy for the entire game, while others like to make slight modifications based on the specific situation they’re in.

Basic strategy can vary depending on the rules of the game.

Not all blackjack games are created equal, and the basic strategy you use can vary depending on the rules of the game you’re playing.

For example, if the dealer is allowed to hit on a soft 17, your basic strategy will vary slightly from a game where the dealer must stand.

Basic strategy changes based on what type of cards you’re dealt.

Of course, basic strategy can be applied even more regularly than that, depending on what combination of cards are dealt to you. The best way to determine basic strategy for an entire hand is to use a blackjack strategy chart, which will list the best play for every possible combination of cards.

You don’t have to memorize basic strategies.

While it’s definitely helpful to memorize basic strategy, you don’t actually have to do so in order to use it effectively.

There are plenty of resources out there that will teach you how to play basic strategy by memory, but even if you never make it to that point, knowing where to find a chart will allow you to look up the right play.

Basic strategy is useful for more than just blackjack.

People sometimes assume that because there are so many blackjack variants, basic strategy must only be useful for blackjack.

However, the truth is that basic strategy is actually a very versatile tool that can be used in many other casino games as well. In fact, it’s one of the most important tools for any casino player.

You can use basic strategy at any skill level.

Some basic strategy charts are written in a way that indicates you can only use them if you’re playing at an expert level. However, the truth is that the basic strategy for any game of blackjack applies no matter what your skill level is.

If you’re an experienced player, there are certain variations of basic strategy you’ll want to be familiar with, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use the basic strategy at all.

Most people don’t play basic strategy perfectly.

People often joke about how few dealers follow basic strategy, but in reality, most players don’t use it either.

Even if someone is aware of what basic strategy tells them to do, they may not follow it. This could be because they’re lazy and didn’t take the time to memorize basic strategy, or it could be due to other reasons such as distractions.

Basic strategy changes when you play with fewer decks.

If there are fewer than seven total decks in a blackjack game, the rules of the game change slightly and basic strategy must be adjusted. In particular, the number of times you should hit on a hard 17 changes, so it’s important to be aware of the deck size when playing.

You can use basic strategy in online blackjack games.

Just because you’re playing blackjack online doesn’t mean you can’t use basic strategy. In fact, it’s probably even more important to use basic strategy in online blackjack games since the cards are being dealt by a random number generator so card counting isn’t possible.

You only have to memorize part of the basic strategy.

There are dozens of variations of basic strategies for any given game of blackjack, but you don’t have to memorize all of them, and the specific number is actually a relatively small subset.

In most cases, you only have to learn three or four variations — the correct play when the dealer has a blackjack, when you have a blackjack, and when neither player has a blackjack. All other basic strategies can be found via a chart or website.


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